Easter yesterday! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Day opened as usual to the sound of crinkling cellophane as Easter baskets were discovered and Vermont Nut-free chocolate bunnies opened and consumed along with Peeps and jelly beans. Younger Child later announced gravely, hand on stomach, in a gesture resembling Napoleon’s famous stance, “I regret eating so much candy.” Will he remember this life lesson next year, or by Halloween? No. No, he will not.

Later attended church in the family room and watched a truly uplifting Easter service with beautiful rousing music and excellent sermon. Only blip came early on, just before the service:

Me, pointing to corner of couch where Husband is ensconced: That’s where I sit.

Husband: What do you mean that’s where you sit?

Me: As long as we’ve been attending church in the family room, that’s my seat.

Husband: That’s ridiculous. Sit here next to me.

Me: If I can’t sit where I’ve always sat, I’m finding another online service.

Husband: That’s the most childish thing I’ve ever heard.

His words were no less wounding for being absolutely spot-on correct.

Later still: Easter dinner with ham, which today means leftovers. Am contemplating a quiche with leftover ham and asparagus, but we are out of all-purpose flour and down to the White Whole Wheat. And lo, the prophecy has been fulfilled: a pandemic shall sweep the globe, and there shall be a run on all-purpose, bread, and pastry flours, for the people shall take comfort in baking. I mean, who knew? The folks at King Arthur Flour are cackling and tenting their fingers.

My thoughts naturally turn to that great American example of Making Do in Times of Travail, Laura Ingalls Wilder et al. Am racking brains to recall what Ma did when she wanted to make quiche but ran out of all-purpose flour. But that’s ridiculous; she only ever had whole wheat, and probably ground that herself. What did she put in her quiches anyway? Probably homemade cottage cheese, and venison. Trying hard but cannot think of more repulsive fillings for a quiche. What would Napoleon have put in his quiche? Did Napoleon eat quiche? He was French. When was quiche invented? Must google this in copious free time.

Have to run. Several homework emergencies unfolding and the doorbell ringing, and now I see Mrs. Diagonal of all people beating a hasty retreat from our door… She seems to have left us something…